T.I. offers to help Lil Wayne with Daughter

Sunday, May 30, 2010

For years, T.I. was nothing more than a background figure within the hip hop game. His name was nowhere near the top, but he was far from the bottom. Most aspiring rappers would have loved the position T.I. was in. However, from the start, T.I. wanted to sit upon the top of the game. Because of this, he worked hard to improve his skills.

In 2008, T.I. released Paper Trail and he experienced the success he had always wanted. Before the release of his debut album, producer Pharrell said T.I. was the Jay-Z of the South. T.I. would assume this position in 2008, officially. He had a successful stable of artists on his label and he was on top of his game. But, the year before he had trouble with the law.

Perhaps because of his success, T.I. was found guilty in a court of law and sentenced to pull one year in prison. Before going to prison, he released an album every year. But, he would not release an album last year. Because he had no new music out, T.I. fell from the top of the game. When Lil Wayne went to prison, one year later, he recorded enough music and set release dates to keep him popular. He was able to have himself ready for work, but his family has suffered.

Turning on the radio, it is as if Lil Wayne never left, but to his children, they can tell the absence. Because of his work, his children hardly ever got to see him, anyway. His oldest child, Reginae, is at an important stage in her life and she needs a male role model in her life. With Lil Wayne in prison and Reginae's mother, Toya being close to Tiny, T.I.'s fiance, T.I. has told Lil Wayne he will do all he can for Reginae, while he is in prison. This is of course with Lil Wayne's permission. With the two rappers having a friendship that dates back over ten years, it would not be a stretch for T.I. to be in Lil Wayne's children's lives.

Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys are engaged and expecting

Due to his high-profile divorce from Mashonda, Swizz Beatz has been all over the news. The seemingly happy marriage fell to pieces last year and Swizz Beatz revealed the marriage was always troubled. After the end of his relationship with Mashonda, it was revealed Swizz Beatz was spending time with Alicia Keys. Once it was clear this was his new girl, Mashonda had nothing but bad things to say about Alicia Keys.

For the most part, Alicia Keys ignored any and everything she had to say and kept moving with her career. Last year, Keys provided the hook to Jay-Z's chart-topping hit, "Empire State of Mind." The success of that song spilled over onto Alicia Keys' music and she had the best run of her career. Despite the commercial success, some original fans were turned off. Mashonda used this as a chance to diss Alicia Keys.

Many news sites said their feud would not last because Alicia Keys would soon be even with Mashonda in their relationships with Swizz Beatz. The only advantage Mashonda had was the fact she had children with Swizz. But, now, Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys are expecting. At first, the two kept quiet about the rumors, but once Keys' baby bump was revealed, the secret could no longer be held. Now, for the first time, Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys have told the world they are expecting and they plan to give this child a family. Recently, Swizz Beatz popped the question to Alicia Keys and the two plan to soon marry.

Monica to tour with Trey Songz

Ever since the lackluster sales of The Makings of Me, Monica has been working hard to regain her popularity. Before the release of her 2006 album, Monica had never had an album do worse than platinum. But, that album barely did gold and the response was less than positive, with some people saying her mind was not on the music. Wanting to do better, Monica took time off to reorganize.

Late in 2007, Monica began recording for the album and she wanted to have it out before the end of 2008. However, the album she recorded was not liked by herself or any of her people. Because of this, she pushed the album back. Also, she realized her BET program, "Still Standing," named after her album, could do wonders as far as promotion goes.

With all of this in common, Monica pushed her album back while becoming the face of BET. The fans loved her show and her family and following the second season of the show, the fans loved her album. In this stage of her career, Monica can accept a gold album because the game has changed. Then, with her relationship with Rocko taking a turn for the worst, Monica is happy with the results. Now, Monica is going on tour to give her fans a chance to personally hear her album.

Early on, Monica announced she would be on a tour in August. Trey Songz, fresh off of The Blueprint III tour with Jay-Z and Jeezy, is ready to do anything to keep himself in the spotlight. Last fall, Trey Songz dominated the male R&B game and his album was highly successful. Striking while the iron is hot, Songz has been recording another album to be released this year. With Monica being relatively popular and Trey Songz wanting the exposure, the tour benefits both stars. The details have not been worked out and the tour has not been named, but the tour will take place later in the summer.

Drake may become the next King of R&B

When he released his first mixtape, many people laughed at Drake because he starred on the teen soap opera, "Degrassi." Little did the people know. Even with all of the laughs aimed at his direction, Drake continued to make music. Throughout the year of 2008, Drake recorded his So Far Gone mixtape and released it early in 2009.

Until the release of this mixtape, many people wrote Drake off as a pop rapper. From 2007 until the So Far Gone release, most of Drake's audience was female. But, after the release of this mixtape, which many thought was an album, Drake solidified his position as one of the best rappers. Also, the mixtape revealed he could sing, too.

Last year, Drake dominated with So Far Gone, but this year he wants to win awards. In a few days, he plans to release his debut album, Thank Me Later. The album was led by his hit single, "Over," in which he continued to show how good he was on a lyrical level. However, on his next single, he flipped the script. On most of his songs, he sings the hooks, but no one actually thought he could hold his own with an entire song. Again with the critics, Drake proved the people wrong.

The second single off of Thank Me Later is the rising hit, "Find Your Love." The song has won male and female fans, alike and it is rising the charts. Most importantly, to Drake, the song has proven to the world he is a great singer. Easily if he grows tired of rapping, he could hold a career as an R&B singer. Since the release of his second mixtape, Drake has had a working relationship with Trey Songz. But, on most of their collaborations, Drake ends up out-singing Songz. On his latest song, he holds it down over a Kanye West beat. Drake said the song was inspired by West's own R&B experiment, 808s & Heartbreak.

However, most fans say the difference between Drake and Kanye West is the fact Drake can actually sing, while West does okay. Drake will release Thank Me Later on June 15, 2010 on Young Money, Cash Money, and Universal Records.

Drake - "Find Your Love" official video:

Kanye West joins Immigration Fight

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ever since he first made himself known in the hip hop community, Kanye West has been a controversial figure. On his debut album, he was a socially-concious rapper. But, over time he began to change his style. Still, West often spoke of the problems with the world, even if they were not reflected in his rhymes.

Last year, Kanye West lost a lot of fans when he jumped onto the stage during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Because he made Taylor Swift cry, the media turned on him. Despite his ignorant actions, his crew stood behind him. But, the media backlash was so strong Kanye West had to leave the country.

At the beginning of the year, Kanye West returned to the country and he began recording his latest album. In Spetember, West plans to release his fifth album, Good Ass Job. But, recently West returned to his outspoken form. For the past month, there has been a debate of racial profiling.

In the state of Arizona, a bill passed that allows police officers to target Hispanic people to see if they are here legally or illegally. Because Arizona borders Mexico, a lot of Hispanics have entered the state, illegally, and it has become a problem. Fearing the racial profiling will branch out to other races, Al Sharpton joined the debate. Like the rest of the world, Kanye West has watched while such a horrible law has been voted in by the state of Arizona and accepted in the city of Los Angeles. Kanye West has now entered the frey.

Kanye West has become the first big-name celebrity to jump into the immigration debate and he has been in Arizona, along with Sharpton, protesting the new law. Last September, he may have lost a large portion of his fans, but this upcoming September, he stands to win a lot of them back. To the general public, the new law passed by Alabama has been highly unpopular. Being the first celebrity to jump into the fight has placed the spotlight right back on Kanye West.

Keyshia Cole returns to the Studio

Thursday, May 27, 2010

After being in the spotlight for three years, straight, Keyshia Cole needed some time off. Having been working for years to reach the top, she was there and it was hectic. Because she had become so popular, her label was pushing her to deliver more and more. Following her 2008 album, A Different Me, Cole decided to take a break.

Completing her first contract with Interscope Records, Cole began her break. Not only did she cut ties with her label, for the time being, but she also cancelled her reality show. Keyshia Cole had become a staple on BET with her show, "The Way it Is." Quickly, the program became the highest-rated show in the history of BET.

Feeling as if she had enough money, Keyshia Cole gave it all up and she began dating NBA player, Daniel Gibson. Their relationship quickly became more when she became pregnant with his first child and her own first child, too. In March, Keyshia Cole announced her son was born and she planned to return to work, soon. But, now she is in control of her career because she is not tied down to anyone. Wanting to release another album, Keyshia Cole has been recording a new album.

However, she has not found a set topic and she does not plan to in the near future. Instead, she will record music as she can and plans to put it all into an album when the notion hits her.

Monica remains on Good Terms with Rocko

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two months ago, Monica revealed her two-year engagement to Rocko was off. Fresh off of the success of her show, "Still Standing," Monica was hoping to improve her life. She had set aside time to spend with her family and she thought she had everything. But, along the way, she discovered Rocko had been cheating on her. Monica quickly forgave him, but she had to end their relationship.

Throughout the hip hop community, several other stories similar to Monica's have broken. The most-popular story is the one between Nas and Kelis. Their marriage went sour while Kelis was carrying Nas' son and when he decided to reveal the child. Now divorced, Kelis is asking for nearly $1 million while refusing to allow Nas to see his son. Then, there is the story of Swizz Beatz and Mashonda.

However, the story of Monica and Rocko is playing out differently as they have managed to stick together for their child. The child, Lil' Rocko, knows the situation, but he has never witnessed his parents fight with each other. Recently, Lil' Rocko had a birthday and Monica and Rocko planned a party for their son, together. All of Monica's children showed up, as did all of Rocko's children. Despite their relationship being over, their families still meet to spend time together.

Rihanna afraid of Giving Birth

Ever since it was revealed she was dating Chris Brown, Rihanna has been involved in all sorts of rumors. Then, after their relationship was revealed to be abusive, more, wilder, rumors emerged. In the time since their public fight, Rihanna has been rumored to be dating various women, Kanye West, and Matt Kemp.

Moving away from the dating and sexuality rumors, Rihanna has been involved in pregnant rumors, too. Recently, there have been rumors of Rihanna being pregnant. Each time she is asked about carrying a child, she denies the rumors. While she is not carrying a child, one day Rihanna wants to have children. Despite what some outlets say, she wants a husband, too.

However, when Rihanna has children, most likely she will not be pregnant with the child. Of the few fears she does have, Rihanna is afraid of giving birth to a child. She said she wants to become a mother in the future, but she would probably adopt as opposed to having a child naturally.

NeNe Leakes tells people not to believe Nose Job rumors

Last week, photographs surfaced of NeNe Leakes and the pictures were revealing. In the past, Leakes has taken wild photos, but these photos were not wild. On the other hand, they showed a different side of her. Among other things, Leakes is known for her wide nose, but in recent pictures, her nose looks slimmer.

The pictures have been featured on websites across the internet and many sites have reported different stories. Most of the stories involve Leakes having a nose job. The only way a person with a wide nose could have their nose decrease so much so fast is if they had work done. In the past, Leakes has had work done, so the rumors were believeable.

With the rumors all over the place, NeNe Leakes has decided to speak out and defend herself. In response to all of the nose rumors, she told people not to believe everything they hear. Leakes said a lot of the pictures floating around the internet have been photoshopped and she was wearing fun makeup in other pictures. Either way, her nose appeared smaller and it is because of the photoshopped pictures and because of the makeup she was wearing.

Tiger Woods is not worried about Elin

Last year, Tiger Woods made headline news the day after Thanksgiving. He was in the middle of a tournament and had a day off. During this day off, Woods got into a car accident in front of his home. Woods was in a rush and he drove into a fire hydrant in front of his house. Initially, the media tried to portray Tiger Woods as a drunk. But, soon it was revealed he was running from his wife.

In 2004, Tiger Woods married his wife, Elin, and they seemingly had the perfect family life. Over the years, Tiger Woods had become the best golf player in history. Before Woods came along, golf was considered to be the sport of the rich. However, after Woods came along, a lot of people wanted to become golfers. Along the way, Woods painted himself as a model citizen.

When it was revealed to the world that Tiger Woods had been cheating on his wife, the world was shocked. The media would not leave it alone and Elin moved out. Despite all he had done, Elin was open to returning to the father of her two children. Tiger Woods pleaded with the media for them to leave him alone as he attempted to rebuild his marriage. Woods found himself ignored by the media and they did not stop until Elin filed for divorce.

Not only does Elin want to divorce Tiger Woods, she is asking for $750 million, most of Tiger Woods' fortune and many believe she is asking too much. After all, Elin has yet to pick up a golf club to hit a ball, her only target was Tiger. Even with the pressure on Woods to win another championship and now with his wife trying to take most of his empire, Tiger Woods is not worried. On his side, Woods has some of the best lawyers money can buy and he is sure they can stop Elin from getting that much money. On top of everything else, now a single man, Tiger Woods is building a new bachelor pad.

Tiger Woods has decided to cut his losses with Elin and allow her to have their old family home, confident she will not be able to break his bank, Tiger Woods has built himself a new home. Once the divorce is finalized, he will move into this home and possibly find his next wife.

Ray J was not responsible for leak of Kim Kardashian sextape

The reason Ray J and Kim Kardashian are viewed as sex symbols in pop culture is because of their past relationship. From early 2005 and into late 2006, the two dated. During the summer of 2006, the couple decided to film themselves while being intimate. However, the tape was leaked and many blamed Ray J for the leak. But, overnight, Kim and her entire family became stars.

Kim Kardashian would soon blame Ray J for the tape getting out, but she landed herself a reality show. Premiering late in 2007, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" has become one of the biggest shows on television. Meanwhile, Ray J has used the publicity to build his own successful franchise with VH1. On his first show, Ray J exploited his image as a playboy. But, with the new show, he is trying to tone things down.

Even people who are fans of Ray J believe he was behind the sex tape being leaked to the public. Recently, however, Ray J revealed it was not him who leaked the tape and he had proof because he said he never had his hands on a copy. It is clear Kim Kardashian did not have the tape, either, so it must have been some of the people close to the former couple. Despite the two being broken up, Ray J often says he has nothing but love for Kim and he admitted to being a big fan of Reggie Bush.

Common and Serena Williams over

For the past two years, Common has been trying to hook up with tennis star, Serena Williams. Before she started dating Common, Williams was almost done with black men. At the time, she was dating a white man. When she was asked about the relationship, she said she did not date black men. Common, at the time, was still involved with Alicia Keys.

However, Common would soon break up with Keys and he found himself interested in Serena Williams. With all of the hype surrounding Just Wright, Common has been asked millions of questions about relationships. He said it does not matter with him about the size of a woman. Instead, all that matters to him is the inside.

Despite Just Wright not being the hit it was expected to be, there is a lot of interest in Common. Hollywood feels as if they can make him into a true star. Looking to expand his career, Common is doing all he can to focus on his next film role. Common feels the best way to focus is to cut all of the distractions out of his life. While he remains in love with Serena Williams, she is a distraction and Common has decided to cut her loose for the time being.

Chill still wants Usher

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the late 1990s, Chilli began dating Usher and they became the teen "it couple" of black America. Some people saw them as the black version of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Despite Chilli being well into her twenties when she began dating Usher, many saw them as a teen couple. Both had been child stars, but when they got older, they grew apart.

By 2004, Chilli and Usher wanted different things. She was ready to settle down and start a family. Usher, on the other hand, still wanted to party and have a good time. On top of everything else, he was trying to change his image. Usher had been known as a "horny teenager," but he was ready to become a grown man. This, along with the work he was putting in for Confessions ended his relationship with Chilli.

For the past six years, Chilli has been out of the spotlight. She has causually dated a few men, but nothing serious. Last month, Chilli came out of hiding and decided she wanted a man. VH1 heard her loud and clear and they set up another dating reality series. But, it is not one along the lines of "Flavor of Love." This time around, Chilli has remained at her home and she and friend, Tionna Smalls, go out searching for men. In the past, Chilli has settled for men, but she wants things her way this time around.

Each episode consists of Chill reading out a long list of the perfect man to Smalls. Repeatedly, Smalls tells her she is too demanding. There have been times when it appeared as if she would end up with Floyd Mayweather and T.J. Holmes, but for one reason or another, they did not end up with each other. Despite her constant complaining about being single, Chilli turns down every man who comes her way. When she broke up with Usher, she left the door open to re-starting their relationship. At the time, they were in two different places in their lives. She always hoped one day they could get back together.

When Chilli first began filming "What Chill Wants," Usher was happily married with two children. Now, he is a happily divorced man with two children. The only thing Chilli sees is single, so she may be sabotaging her chances at love out of hope of reuniting with Usher. As far as the people know, he is not slated to appear on her show. So, after she goes back home without love, there is a possibility of Chill trying to get back with her ex, Usher.

Diddy co-signs Justin Bieber

Ever since last December, Justin Bieber has taken the pop world by storm. Some of his music has crossed over into the black community. There are some people who cannot get enough of the new sensation. Then, there are some who are tired of hearing his whiny voice. There is also a third party who supports him because he is the first product from Usher to become a star.

Recently, the nominees for the 2010 BET Awards were announced. Surprisingly, Justin Bieber was among the leaders in nominations. BET stands for Black Entertainment Television and the network was created for the black audience. Never before in the history of the BET Awards has a white person been nominated for an award.

Because Bieber was nominated for an award, some people tried to get upset. They felt as if BET was for black people and his videos should not even play on the network. Despite Bieber not being black, he does make black music and he is the product of Usher. In a sense, everything created by Justin Bieber is a reflection of the work Usher has put in. Justin Bieber has gained a lot of support based on that one fact.

With a bit of controversy stirring and the possibility of Justin Bieber being in the center of another racial battle, an influential person has stepped up. In the post-Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton era, the hip hop community has become the voice of the black community. Ever since he crossed the $100 million mark, Sean "Diddy" Combs has been the voice of hip hop. Because of the connection, Diddy has become one voice in which black people will follow. A lot of this respect comes from the accomplishments Diddy has made in a relatively short time.

But, he decided to come to the defense of Justin Bieber. He understands Bieber is a white man who won an award for a black ceremony. Instead of being upset, Diddy said people of all races should be happy because history was made. Besides, Justin Bieber is being managed and produced by Usher, anyway. For years, the black community has sang along with Usher. By shunning Justin Bieber, the black community would also be shunning Usher. With every mistake Usher has made, his fans, which consist of the BET audience, have stuck by him and they have no plans of leaving, now.

T.I. separates Tiny from Toya

While her fiance, T.I., was behind bars, Tameka "Tiny" Cottle put herself to work. Because T.I. has been on a run for years, she soon realized she no longer had to work. But, with T.I. out of commission for a full year, Tiny at least had to do something to keep herself busy.

Right as T.I. was headed to prison over a gun charge he picked up in 2007, BET was toying with an idea. Over the years, the hip hop lifestyle made BET into a multimillion dollar operation. But, it was that same lifestyle that led to the network being protested. So, instead of music videos, the network focuses on the lifestyle.

Last year, BET gave Tiny and Toya Carter, the ex-wife of Lil Wayne, an hour for them to live their lives. Because the men in their lives have been friends for years, it was only natural for the two to become friends. At one point, every song Lil Wayne was featured on also featured T.I.

It was during this period of time when the two became the good friends they are now. At the time, Wayne was still with Toya, who was a big fan of Tiny's when she was with Xcape. Playing off of their friendship and the fact of them living in the same city, BET quickly gave them "Tiny & Toya." The results have been almost magical. Even now, the show remains the highest-rated in the history of BET. Now, preparing to finish the second season, T.I. is back from prison. The second season features his return.

In the past, T.I. and Tiny have spoken on their relationship and they said it was a partnership. During this time, the sole breadwinner was T.I. But, since he has been away, Tiny landed a television show and opened her own business. With everything going on, T.I. feels someone has to be with their children. This was one of the reasons he told Tiny to leave her hit television series. Glad to have her man back and ready to become his wife, Tiny quickly agreed to leave the show.

Toya Carter has become the more popular character on the show, anyway, and the third season will focus solely on Toya as she raises Reginae.

Nas and Kelis are officially over

For years, Nas and Kelis were one of the most-popular couples within the hip hop community. After years of dating, the couple wed in 2005 and had a child in 2009. Despite appearing to be the picture of love, the two were falling out of love. Even through the birth of their child, they were drifting apart. While Kelis was still pregnant, she filed for divorce from Nas.

Despite filing for divorce, some people felt as if she would forgive Nas and take him back. For a few weeks, it looked as if it were a major possibility. Having been out of the spotlight, Kelis wanted to keep her pregnancy a secret. She wanted her child with Nas to be a secret, even after he was born. Initially, Nas agreed to allow their child to be a secret.

But, during a concert performance in Queens, Nas announced to the world his first son, Knight, was born. Any chances of Kelis ending the divorce proceedings ended then. In the time since she filed for divorce from Nas, Kelis has been asking for over $700,000 in support from Nas. While demanding over a half of a million dollars, she is not letting Nas see his son. Because of this, Nas has lost the respect he did have for Kelis and he was soon eager to divorce her.

Finally, after five years of marriage and one horrible year, Nas is finally done with Kelis, as far as marriage goes. The divorce was final, today, and Nas plans to move on with his life. Aside from Knight, he has another child, Destiny, who is 16. Nas still sees Carmen Bryan, the mother of Destiny, because of the child and he will still be seeing Kelis, because of their child.

Aaliyah returns... for Drake's album

With his album due in less than a month, Drake is putting the finishing touches on Thank Me Later. Growing up, like many others, Drake was a fan of Aaliyah. Long before the days of Ashanti, Beyonce, Keri Hilson, and Ciara, Aaliyah was the focal point of female R&B. Being married to R. Kelly set everything off.

In August of 2001, Drake watched in shock, along with the rest of the hip hop community as Aaliyah died. She had been on an island south of the United States filming the video for "Rock the Boat." In her return, she was warned about the extra luggage on the plane. There was the possibility of the plane crashing.

Because the possibility was so slight, Aaliyah did not worry and she and her team flew back. But, before they could get off of the ground good, the plane crashed. Every person on the plane, with the exception of one person, died. The promising and rising career of Aaliyah was over with one decision.

Out of all of the music stars who have passed and gone on, Aaliyah is the one who receives the least amount of airplay. When she was dead, her family made the decision to allow her to rest in peace. They went ahead and finished the promotion of her album, as planned, though. But, once her music faded away, so did Aaliyah. There have been many other artists who have never died because they still release albums. While they will always be respected, the legacies of these overused artists are being tarnished, in a way. But, things are different with Aaliyah.

No one has heard her voice on anything new since the release of "More Than a Woman," not too much music has come from Aaliyah. Drake is actually the first rapper to ever feature her on new music. Her voice was sampled for his latest single, "Unforgettable," featuring Young Jeezy. Among the many people who have inspired Drake is Aaliyah. He feels featuring her on his track would be a great way to honor her memory and he has the approval of her family.

Willie Norwood's son takes Paternity Test

Ever since the premiere of "A Family Business," C-Dove, the alleged brother of Ray J and Brandy has been all over the place. He has been around since late 2008. C-Dove claims to be the eldest child of the father of Ray J and Brandy, Willie Norwood. There is picture of C-Dove and Ray J actually enjoying each other's company. C-Dove claims Ray J once claimed him as a brother.

Regardless of what he is, Sonja Norwood does not claim C-Dove and many think she is keeping Willie from doing so, too. The aspiring rapper claims to have been born in Chicago to Lynetta Brown and Willie Norwood. He claims both of his parents are from Mississippi and it is known that Norwood is from Mississippi. More than anything else, C-Dove wants to be a part of the family business.

However, no one from the Norwood family has formally claimed him as kin. Because they will not let him into the family, C-Dove has forced his way in. Many websites refer to C-Dove as the brother of Ray J and Brandy and now he has the proof to back it up. Aside from hanging out with Ray J, C-Dove featured his children in a video and they referred to Willie Norwood as their grandfather. Now, the aspiring rapper has taken a paternity test and Willie Norwood initially agreed to also take the test.

But, when C-Dove went to take his paternity test, Norwood did not show up.

Watch the video:

Lil Wayne wants Toya to dump MempHitz

Monday, May 24, 2010

For the past few months, Toya Carter has been dating rap producer, MempHitz. The two met through Lil Wayne and their relationship has been happy on the outside. Three years ago, MempHitz made himself famous when he produced Huey's debut album, Notebook Paper. In the time since then, he has become a household name.

Throughout this same period of time, Lil Wayne has gone from a New Orleans emcee to the top of the game. Now, every move he makes is watched by the media. Right when he was rising to the top, Lil Wayne ran into issues when he and Ja Rule were busted for guns and drugs. The charge they picked up landed Wayne in prison for a year.

Because of the fact of Wayne being behind bars, he and Toya have become closer than ever. Even before they began dating, the two were always good friends. But, they have learned to appreciate each other more now that they are apart. Finally able to move on from her ex-husband, Toya has been dating MempHitz. Recently, rumors spread of him constantly beating on Toya and the rumors were confirmed. The news has been all over the internet for a few days and several people close to the situation have spoken on it. Even with Lil Wayne being behind bars, it has not taken long for him to discover what is going on.

Due to the fact of Toya being the mother of his oldest child and because she is a good friend, Lil Wayne does not want to see her being beaten. While he has not physically seen MempHitz beat her, he knows the situation and he wants Toya out of it. During one of their frequent talks, Wayne advised her to leave MempHitz because of the abuse. He has told her she deserves a lot better than what she is getting. This is not a ploy from Wayne to get back with her, but he wants her out of the situation she is in. But, because he is behind bars, there is not much he can do to keep MempHitz away from his ex-wife.

Kanye West prohibits Amber Rose from speaking on Relationship

Ever since they began dating early last year, Kanye West and his on/off girlfriend, Amber Rose have become a hot topic. There are often rumors of the two breaking up. But, it has become clear about the media loving to keep something going with them. Ever since Amber Rose admitted she was bisexual, her name has been placed with more women than Kanye.

Recently, Tila Tequila, a popular bisexual, claimed to have been the latest reason Kanye West and Amber Rose broke up. She said she had been seeing Rose behind Kanye's back for months. It was after he found out his girl was cheating that he decided to end the relationship. Only a few times has Amber Rose or Kanye West spoken on their relationship.

Apparently, Tila Tequila was lying about the statement she made about herself and Amber Rose. Back in February, she also said she had an affair with Game and it turned out to be false. Kanye likes to keep his private life private. It was not until recently, he revealed he was actually dating. Early in his career, many people thought Kanye West was gay. It turned out, he was not gay, he just did not want everyone in his business. But, when he reached a certain level of fame, he decided to open up.

Perhaps the biggest mistake Kanye West ever made was allowing the cameras, although briefly, into the lives of he and Amber Rose. There was only one time in which Rose spoke of her relationship with Kanye and he wants to keep it that way. Rumor has it, Kanye West has paid Rose over $1 million to keep quiet about the ongoings of their relationship. After the latest rumors about Amber Rose leaving him for Tila Tequila, Kanye did not want to take any chances. Keeping things on the safe side, he decided to pay his girl off so she could keep quiet.

Stacey Dash finds success as Hip Hop Video Vixen

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not even two years ago, there was a lot of outrage about hip hop music videos. Rappers were openly exploiting women in their videos. Civil Rights leaders wanted to step in and try to make these rappers change their ways. The message to the young women in the video was they would never make it by dancing half-naked in music videos.

A lot of the women who appeared in these music videos had their eyes focused on being Hollywood stars. But, they were told the best they would get was a minor role in a hip hop film because they were only seen as meat. In the time since the public outcry over the raunchy videos, a lot of vixens have stepped up. The most notable is Tahiry Jose.

While the women once known as "hip hop honeys" have decided they are better than doing music videos, Stacey Dash has had no problem stepping in. She has been a star since the mid-1980s. Many of the women who starred in music videos had their sights set on becoming the next Stacey Dash. They were being told the only way to do so would be to dump the music videos and try a real acting role. Taking that advice, Stacey Dash traded in Hollywood for the music videos.

Over the past ten years, Dash has been making the transition away from Hollywood and into music videos, but the transition has been gradual. In 2001, she starred in the music video of Bad Boy Records' singer, Carl Thomas for his "Emotional" video. Three years later, she was the star of Kanye West's "All Falls Down" video and she later starred in Marques Houston's "Favorite Girl" video. In between time, Dash was still starring in movies and making television appearances. However, as the time has gone on, she has settled in the role of video vixen. In the spring of 2010, alone, Stacey Dash has starred in music videos for Game and Rick Ross, both videos are receiving regular rotation on music video channels.

The initial video vixens felt they were too good to do music videos. As a result, they have gone on to create huge followings over the internet. While the women simply trying to get a foot in the door decided they were better than music videos, a true star and veteran in Stacey Dash has decided to step away from Hollywood in an effort to become a video vixen.

Game - "Shake" video, co-starring Stacey Dash.

Rick Ross featuring Ne-Yo - "Super High" video, starring Stacey Dash.

Usher finds success as Record Executive

It can be aruged that Usher had one of the best promotional teams behind him when he entered the game. Usher entered the game with the help of L.A. Reid, Jermaine Dupri, and Sean Combs, only to name a few. With top-notch beats and a record label willing to promote him, Usher became the biggest R&B act since Michael Jackson. Following Jackson's death and the release of his latest album, Raymond v. Raymond, some wanted to name Usher the new King of Pop.

Due to his respect of Michael Jackson, Usher shunned being called the new King of Pop. He said it does not matter how many records and other artist ever breaks, Michael Jackson will remain the King of Pop. While Usher is not the King of Pop, he has never denied being the king of R&B. For years, R. Kelly held the title, but after Confessions, Usher won the title. Simply because of that album, everything Usher does will always sell well. He has remained upon the top of the charts.

Outside of dominating the music industry as an artist, Usher has been trying to become a force behind-the-scenes. Eight years ago, he created US Records and signed an abundance of talent to the label. In the future, he hopes US will become what Motown was to the black music audience. Outside of running his record label, Usher wants to manage and produce artists, too. Last year, Usher received this chance when he discovered Justin Bieber. At the time, Bieber was a local Canadian singer looking for his big break. Usher discovered him and helped him land a deal with Island Def Jam. Earlier this year, Usher produced Bieber's debut album, My World 2.0. In the time since the release of the album, Bieber has become a star in his own right.

As the summer of 2010 approaches, Justin Bieber is one of the biggest R&B artists on the planet and his success is mainly due to Usher's influence. It is often said about artists who are successful that they cannot double as a great executive. Usher has taken on the role of kind of R&B, manager to Justin Bieber, and the executive producer of his debut album. The monkey is off of Usher's back, he has created another star with an image similar to his when he first entered the game over fifteen years ago.

Queen Latifah to host 2010 BET Awards

Fresh off of the hype of Just Wright, Queen Latifah has been a hot topic for one reason or another. While her film with Common was not a critical success, her peformance was. It is a role she has played for most of her acting career. Latifah is not having the success many predicted off of the film, but she has been doing quite well.

Despite the latest Queen Latifah film being on overall flop, the black audience is more than happy with it. In black entertainment, there is no name hotter than Queen Latifah's. This is one reason BET decided to make her a major part of the 2010 edition of their annual awards show. Earlier this week, when announcing the nominees, the host was announced.

Stephen Hill, the programming director of BET recently announced Queen Latifah as the host of the 2010 BET Awards, saying he could not have thought of a better person to host. For years, Mo'Nique has been the main attraction of the BET Awards. However, now she has her own late night talk show and it airs on BET. To avoid having too much screen time on their channel dedicated to Mo'Nique, the network decided to change things up.

BET bans Ciara's New Video

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Over a decade ago, BET reached an all-new low when it was sold to the white-owned Viacom, Inc. For years, the black community was disappointed in what they saw from the network. The only saving grace for BET was the fact of them being black-owned. Still, 90% of the programming on the network was music videos. Not any music videos, but hip hop music videos featuring half-naked women.

For the first time in the history of the network, the black community struck back and they did so in the worst way. Nearly every day, the founder, Bob Johnson, had to speak with the public about the way he ran his company. Even after he sold, BET he remained in full control of the network until 2006. The year after Johnson left, an outright protest began against the network.

In the time since their backlash of 2007, BET has been working hard to rid themselves of the negative images. The network still relies on music videos, but it is no longer the fixture of the network. Now, the videos shown on the network are more sensible. Network CEO, Debra Lee, has been working hard to change the image of BET. Instead of being a place where women are used as eye candy, she wants her network to be a place where women are respected and treated as equals.

Ever since she burst onto the scene late in the summer of 2004, Ciara has been a fixture on the BET network with her music videos. Throughout her career, Ciara knew her songs that did not do well on the radio, on other channels, such as MTV, and on Billboard would do well with BET. Had it not been for BET, a lot of her music would have never been played. Preparing to release her new album, Ciara turned to the network, once again with the promotion of her new album, Basic Instinct. The first single from the video is "Ride" featuring Ludacris. Last month the video was released and landed on BET.

Upon arriving on BET, they quickly banned the video because of the sexual content. Ciara said she knew the video had sexual content, but she also knew BET shows other videos with similar content. Despite what has happened, Ciara said she is not upset with BET. Instead, she hopes to reach some sort of deal with the network to eventually have the video air on the network. But, with the network trying to shift away from videos, such as Ciara's "Ride," the chances of that happening are very slim.

Shaq has a New Girl?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Despite not being able to lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to their first championship in franchise history, 2010 has not been a complete failure for Shaquille O'Neal. In the time since he left the Phoenix Suns, they are in the Western Conference Finals. In the time since he and his wife of seven years, Shaunie, divorced, she has a hit television series. The year has been rough for Shaquille O'Neal.

However, Shaq has had quite a few bright spots in 2010, too. After his relationship with former Heat dancer, Vanessa Lopez, soured, Shaq tried to reunite with his ex-wife. But, with her own income through the new "Basketball Wives" television program and her relationship with a new guy, she has moved on. For a little while, Shaq wallowed in his own displeasure.

Accepting the fact his team is out of the playoffs and his wife moving on with her life, Shaquille O'Neal has decided to move along with his. A free agent this summer, O'Neal is hoping to be signed for his final contract. Finally on the last leg of what has been a legendary career, Shaq is looking to settle down for real this time. He is already the father of six children, but he hopes to establish a family with his current girlfriend, Lisa Ellis.

Ellis is a former executive at Sony Records and she has known Shaq for several years. It was said he had been attracted to her for some time. However, because he was married with women on the side, he never tried to have anything with her. But, with Shaunie and Vanessa Lopez out of his life, Shaquille O'Neal has decided to have a relationship with Lisa Ellis.

Chris Brown denies being Color Struck

Not as if Chris Brown needed any more negative publicity, he found himself in the middle of it, yet again. In the wake of rumors about Brown trying to get back with Rihanna, he has been very angry. One of the main people leading the rumors about Brown trying to get back with Rihanna is Sandra Rose, a celebrity blogger.

Rose was one of the many bloggers out there reporting about the one-time star being obsessed with Rihanna. Following his beatings of Rihanna last February, people began questioning his mental abilities. Now, with rumors of him being obsessed with his ex, there is no question. By the look of things, Chris Brown has problems.

Upset and Sandra Rose for promoting these rumors about him, Brown took to his Twitter. For the past year, Twitter has hurt black music artists more than it has helped. Failing to realize this, Chris Brown used the micro-blogging site to air Sandra Rose out. Because he had no better jokes, Brown reverted to joking about her skin complection. However, the only person laughing was Chris Brown as many people were offended by his comments. Brown has been popular for his light skin, so him making this comment led to outrage.

Realizing his comments had made him into the scapegoat, once again, Chris Brown updated his Twitter. He said the people who feel he is being racist need to "go to bed." Due to the fact he has a single out called "Brownskin Girl," Brown felt as if he was in the clear with the black community. Despite him trying to clean up his comments, he said what he said and there is no turning back from that.

Kimora Lee Simmons talks Family

Many people were shocked when Kimora Lee Simmons ended her seven-year marriage to Russell Simmons. Initially, when the two got together, most people felt they would not last. However, as the years went by, the two remained together. Soon, it became normal to hear the phrase "Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons." They were one of the "it" couples of hip hop.

Their relationship ran its course and Kimora found herself wanting out even after Russell Simmons fathered two daughters with her. Once their divorce was final, the attention was soon focused on their two children. It was unclear how they would handle the breakup. Soon, the problem was not even about the breakup as Kimora soon began seeing Dijimon Hounsou. As soon as they got married, they had a child, Kenzo.

For two little girls, that is a lot to take in such a short period of time, but Kimora said they have adjusted properly. Instead of being jealous and upset, she said they are actually very nurturing towards their younger brother. Even after the birth of young Kenzo, Kimora Lee Simmons is open to having more children with her new husband and she said this news has excited her two young daughters.

Mariah Carey and The-Dream sued over "My Love" duet

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

For years, some of the biggest hitmakers in the music industry have gotten their hits from independent creators. However, it was not until the 2000s when these independent people began to fight back. With the emergence of the internet, the playing field have been leveled and these people are looking to be compensated. The top players in the music industry have all been caught.

Now, it is Mariah Carey and The-Dream's turn. There is a producer from the Bay Area who claims he, not The-Dream, composed the song, "My Love." This man is not taking this lightly, as he is suing many other major stars for copyright infringement. He has The-Dream for many other songs, but the most-notable one is his Mariah Carey duet. The song was featured on his Love vs. Money album.

When the producer first heard the song, it reminded him of one he created. Then, he spent over three hours playing the songs back. He would soon realize The-Dream had somehow heard his song and stole it from him. He admitted to actually meeting The-Dream and they were close to working on a deal to use his song. For some reason, they never reached a deal and Dream had to create his own song. Apparently, he decided to rework the song he had already created. The terms of the suit have not been disclosed at this point.

T-Pain talks Album Delay

After releasing albums in 2007 and 2008, T-Pain had every intention of releasing another album in 2009. Many people credit T-Pain for being the man to bring auto-tune back to black music. Towards the end of 2008 and into early 2009, everybody was using the auto-tune. For some people, such as Lil Wayne, it worked, but for others, such as 50 Cent, it failed miserably.

Looming in the background the entire time was Jay-Z. He was working on his eleventh studio album, but he wanted to come back with a bang. With the auto-tune as his angle, Jay-Z was back. Right as T-Pain was preparing the first single from his album, "Death of Auto-tune" was released to radio. The song became a hit and all of the auto-tune songs vanished from the radio.

In the song, Jay-Z makes it clear he is not going at T-Pain. To further that point, he even shouts him out. Still, in September 2009, T-Pain grows angry at Jay-Z and called him out. A short feud transpired between the two before they finally ended their differences back in January. T-Pain did admit he lost a lot of material for his album because of "D.O.A." Even after everything with the auto-tune issue, T-Pain decided to take his music in a different direction.

For this new album, Revolver, T-Pain said he is retiring the hat, his attire, and the auto-tune. He is going to do a straight up R&B album. Early in March, T-Pain talked as if his album would come out towards the end of April. However, as the middle of May has approached, T-Pain has yet to release a new single, let alone a new album. Seeing how he failed to keep his streak alive, Pain finds himself in no rush to release his next album. Three years ago, he could sell records in his sleep, but his new style and his time away from the game puts him on the same boat as everybody else.

T-Pain said the only way for him to sell the records he used to sell would be to change his name to Susan Boyle. He said he should join "American Idol" to sell some records because people like that are the only people selling records. There is currently no set release date for his album and he does not have any timeframe of when the album will be released. However, he is doing all he can to make sure the album will be a success when it is released.

Lil Wayne laughs at Toya's rapping skills

Last year, Lil Wayne continued his run on the top of the rap game. His album, We Are Young Money, highlighted late 2009 and early 2010. The album was highlighted by the hit single, "Bedrock." Late in 2009, the song rose to become as one of the biggest hits of the season. The song was remixed by many underground artists.

The most-recent remix caught a lot of people by surprise. Led by Rasheeda, the song featured nothing but women. Among the women on the song was Wayne's own ex-wife, Toya Carter. Her verse was good for a person not considered a rapper. But, after liking her verse on the song, Toya has decided she wants to put out her own song.

When Toya agreed to do a remix of "Bedrock," she first told her ex-husband and the creator of the song. He told her he had no problem with the song being remixed. However, when she asked him how he would feel about her being a full-time rapper, Lil Wayne looked at her and laughed.

Toya said with men, being laughed at is to be expected, but she is only going to rap for fun. But, if her single is popular with the fans, she may decide to put out a full-length album. She said this is the first time she has ever discussed doing music with Lil Wayne. Ever since their divorce, their relationship has been solely dedicated to providing a suitable life for their daughter, Reginae. Toya went on to deny rumors of MP3 players and cell phones for Lil Wayne being found at Riker's Island.

Swizz Beatz responds to Mashonda's lawsuit

May 2010 got off to a great start for Swizz Beatz as there were rumors of him expecting his first child with Alicia Keys. For the past few weeks, he and Keys have been dodging those rumors. Apparently upset at the shine of her ex-husband, Mashonda put herself back in the headlines. She is currently suing Swizz Beatz for $334,000 in missing funds.

Mashonda is wondering why her ex-husband cannot seem to pay her what she owes. Her defensive team points to the expensive gifts he often buys for Alicia Keys. The couple actually has plans to move into a $14.5 million penthouse in New York City. Mashonda said she did not want things to be like this, but Swizz Beatz needs to get his priorities in order.

Swizz Beatz argued he has more than paid Mashonda off. He recently told the media he paid her $700,000, upfront, $500,000 more than even the judge recommended he pay. Still, she has a problem with this and Swizz Beatz said Mashonda is very fortunate because most men in his position really would have left her hanging. Initially deciding to let Mashonda play her game, Swizz Beatz revealed exactly how upset he was over Mashonda publicizing their divorce.

He said Mashonda can afford anything she wants to buy. He pointed to Mashonda's new house, expensive cars, jewelry, and clothes. Swizz Beatz said she is living a very good life and he is the one footing the bill and instead of working on his upcoming projects, he has to fight with her. Swizz Beatz and Mashonda are due back in court next month.

Diddy still wants Love

Of all of the fans Diddy has, none of them are likely to be as big of a Diddy fan as Diddy, himself. He will be the first person to tell about his story. The man who grew up in the lower middle class New York City and ended up becoming one of the wealthiest men in the world. Diddy owns production companies, clothing lines, and a record label.

Not only has Diddy been successful in the boardroom, but he also conquered the rap game. Back in the late 1990s, Diddy stepped out of the office and picked up a mic. At the time, he still went under the moniker of Puff Daddy. His debut album would go platinum seven times over. The trend of success would be repeated on his second album.

Professionally, Diddy has it all and he also has six children who love him. However, one thing Diddy does not have is love. In the past, he has been with such women as Kim Porter, Jennifer Lopez, and many other models and public figures. But, as it currently stands, Diddy has not had a significant love. He admitted he cared the most about Porter and Lopez out of all of his women, but they never shared a major love. What he says he had with them was lust.

Ever since 2006, Diddy has been romantically linked to Cassie. Both are aware of the rumors, but they have never directly addressed said rumors. There is reason for romantic rumors about the two to emerge. Not only is Cassie signed to Bad Boy Records, but Diddy also has her as the face of one of his fragrance lines. In addition to being the face of his fragrance lines, she models for his Sean John clothing line. There has never been another person to work so closely with Diddy. Ever business owned and operated by Sean Combs has her by his side. There are rumors of the two having a sexual relationship, but nothing more.

Towards the end of last month, rumors emerged about Diddy dating Nicki Minaj. In the past, Minaj has rapped about his relationship with Cassie. Diddy admitted he was attracted to Nicki Minaj, but he denied the two being in a relationship. Still, Diddy finds himself with everything he could ever want growing up. But, one thing he does not have is a consistent girlfriend in his life. Combs has six children by three different women, none of his children have an actual family. More than anything, Diddy wants this and he feels he has accomplished everything in his life except for landing a real relationship.

Ray J is upset with Flo Rida

For the past few months, there have been rumors of Brandy dating rap star, Flo Rida. Their relationship has been one of the focuses of the new reality show starring Ray J and Brandy, "A Family Business." Even when Brandy was only considering dating Flo Rida, Ray J thought it was a bad idea. Before their first meeting, Ray J had nothing positive to say about the Miami rapper.

Last week, rumors emerged of Flo Rida cheating on Brandy. The two were supposed to attend the Grammy's together, but at the last minute, Flo Rida backed out. Brandy had her own doubts, but she was still upset when she found herself turned down. Ray J then only confirmed what he had already said about Flo Rida. Now he has been cheating on Brandy and Ray J is not happy.

From the beginning, Ray J never approved of Flo Rida dating his older sister. But, he accepted the relationship because Brandy has feelings for him. Now, since Flo Rida has been cheating, Ray J wants his sister to break things off with Flo. Not only does Ray J have plans of breaking them up, but he also has plans of breaking Flo Rida apart. Ever since the rumors first emerged of Flo Rida two-timing Brandy, Ray J has wanted to meet up with Flo in person to handle things.

50 Cent and Ciara again?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Three years ago, 50 Cent and Ciara made headlines when they began spending time with each other. The two could often be spotted making public appearances together. At the time, Ciara had just gotten out of a relationship with Bow Wow. 50 Cent, on the other hand, had been single for three years following his breakup from Vivica Fox.

Immediately when the two were spotted together, everywhere both artists went, they were asked about each other. The most 50 Cent would ever say was he and Ciara are really good friends. Ciara usually found a way to change the subject of the conversation. In the summer of 2007, Ciara released her single, "Can Leave 'Em Alone."

The song featured a verse from 50 Cent and he was her love interest in the video. A few months later, 50 Cent would release his Curtis album, which featured a naked woman on the inside of the cover. The face of the woman was not shown, but most assumed it was Ciara. 50 later revealed he did this to make the question come up.

However, in 2008, their rumored relationship hit a snag when Lil Wayne recruited Ciara to appear on his album, Tha Carter III. Lil Wayne was rumored to have asked Ciara to sing a hook for one of his songs and she agreed to do so. But, 50 Cent found out and he fought against the collaboration. Rumor has it, he issued an ultimadum to Ciara. Either she work with Lil Wayne, or she keep his company and not work with him. At the time, 50 Cent wanted to feud with Lil Wayne, but their feud never panned out.

While Lil Wayne may not have been the reason for their "breakup," something happened and the two have not been together since 2008. Recently, 50 Cent has said he does not want a girlfriend because he is not too trusting in women. Now he is one of the richest men in America and every woman in the world wants a piece of him. Women have been throwing themselves at 50 Cent, though. E! personality, Chelsea Handler, admitted she and 50 Cent almost hooked up, but she had a boyfriend.

Two months ago, a very single Chelsea Handler offered herself to 50 Cent if he was still interested. This was only days after 50 Cent wrote off having a girlfriend for the time being. However, recently there was a post on Twitter which stated 50 Cent and Ciara were out together buying furniture. If two people are out buying furniture together, it usually means they are in a relationship with each other. Moving in together shows they are doing a little bit more than hand-holding. Is it possible 50 Cent may have decided to try Ciara one more time?

Common wants to Settle Down

For the past two years, Common has been dating tennis star, Serena Williams. Initially, he was also involved with a few other women. Williams was also seeing a few other men. But, last year, they fell for each other and have grown very close.

With his film, Just Wright, having just hit theaters, everyone wants to talk to Common. Most of the questions revolve around the type of woman he likes. Common admitted to loving all kinds of women. But, the woman he loves is Serena Williams.

Nearing the age of 40, Common has lived the wild life for most of his life. He has enjoyed being a wealthy man and he has dated beautiful women. Right now, he is dating a beautiful woman, but he wants more. Common wants to marry Serena Williams and have children with her.

Kanye West and Amber Rose break up, Again

Ever since they began dating, late in 2008, Kanye West and Amber Rose have had an on/off relationship. Their most-recent break up was last summer. During that break up, there were rumors of Kanye moving on with Rihanna. Those rumors proved to be false, but then he was linked to realty television star, Kim Kardashian.

Those rumors also proved to be false and Kanye West was soon back with Amber Rose. The two seem to be together just as long as they are a part. For some reason, though, they always seem to find their way back to each other. In between finding each other, Amber Rose has admitted to being bisexual.

Back in March, there were rumors of both Amber Rose and Kanye West trying to get a piece of Nicki Minaj. Minaj made it clear she was more attracted to Kanye's girl as opposed to him. Apparently, the latest break up between Kanye West and Amber Rose was because of her wide range of sexual preferences. Tila Tequila has been out posting rumors of her having a makeout session with Rose and this could be why Kanye West and Amber Rose have broken up again.

Currently, Kanye West's name has not been linked to any other female, but Amber Rose is already being linked to Tila Tequila. Rose has yet to come out and address the rumors about her alleged filng with Tequila while she was still dating Kanye West. If Tila Tequila is telling the truth, the latest breakup may have been caused by the former MTV star.

Beyonce's "Single Ladies" is still Making Waves

Monday, May 17, 2010

The last time Beyonce released an album was in 2008 and she kicked her album off with the hit "Single Ladies." In the time since the song was released, it became one of the biggest hits of both 2008 and 2009. The chorus, "put a ring on it," has become a very popular phrase with women who want a committment. More than anything, the video has been iconic.

Following the release of the video, many people went to YouTube and filmed their own rendition of the video. It was particularly popular with homosexual men, both big and small. Even AlphaCat, the Obama guy, did a parody of the song in his Obama voice. Last year, during the MTV Video Music Awards, the video lost out to Taylor Swift and it sparked the Kanye West controversy.

However, the song stopped receiving airplay by the summer of 2009, but it will remain a cultural icon. Everyone has imitated the dance, including little girls. Recently, five girls under the age of ten took a stage in a dance competition dressed in skimpy outfits as they did the "Single Ladies" dance. The dance did not earn the girls first place in the competition, but the video found its way to YouTube. In the time since the video was uploaded, it has become popular, but for the wrong reasons.

Most of the viewers of the video have been enraged adults who feel the parents should have forced their daughters to do a more appropriate dance. The people who are against the video are looking for someone to blame and they are torn between blaming the parents or blaming Beyonce. Melissa Presch said the clothes were designed for unrestricted movement and to show body lines, not unlike other costumes created for dance. She told this during an interview with "Good Morning America."

"Just Wright" is a Box Office Failure

For the past few months, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the latest flick starring Queen Latifah. News of Just Wright first emerged last summer and the trailers began airing in late March of this year. The film centered on Common as Scott McKnight, the top player in the NBA. In the film, real-life stars, such as Dwyane Wade and LeBron James.

The idea of Just Wright is a good one, though. Common's character is dating a beautiful woman, who has her eyes set on becoming a trophy wife. But, when Common gets injured, her plans are ruined and she brings her best friend (Queen Latifah) in to see if she can heal him. She tells her that she cannot and with that news she leaves him. However, after she leaves Latifah helps him to recover his strength.

In the process, Latifah and Common enter a relationship with each other and they fall in love. Once Common regains his strength, his ex returns to the scene. With most NBA players, they would have returned to the ex, but Common decides to stay with the woman who helped him regain the life he had lost due to injury. The good theme, the heavy promotional push, and the star-studded guest appearance made it seem as if Just Wright would end up being a hit.

Despite what it looked like, the case is far from it as Just Wright has bombed in the box office. For the most part, the film has not been much with critics either. At best, it has been met with modest reviews. Initially, it looked poised to be one of the most-popular films of 2010. However, the scenes that were previewed on television happened to be the best scenes of the film. In its first week, Just Wright landed in fourth place with $8.5 million in gross sales.

Kelis has a Boyfriend

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The days of Nas and Kelis being happily married are over. The couple went from being the poor man's version of Jay-Z and Beyonce to divorce court. Even though they were divorcing, Nas and Kelis remained civil with each other. However, recently, their split has become quite nasty.

Recently, Kelis decided to sue Nas for support. In the time since they decided to divorce, Kelis has kept her children with Nas away for him. Despite not allowing Nas to see his children, Kelis has sued him for child support. Kelis is also demanding spousal support from Nas.

Despite Nas having money, he has admitted to the court that he cannot afford to pay Kelis what she is asking for. If the recent rumors are true, he may not have to. Kelis is rumored to be dating an NFL player. It is said that the two are quite serious with each other.

If this is indeed the case, Nas may be able to appeal to the court and not have to pay spousal support to his ex-wife, Kelis.

LeBron James begins his Summer Vacation

After years of letdowns and disappointment, LeBron James was supposed to finally break through this year. Following their heartbreaking loss to the Orlando Magic in last year's Eastern Conference Finals, the attitude of the Cleveland Cavaliers changed. The change was led by LeBron's attitude. He went from thinking about simply dominating to thinking about the championship.

In an effort to build a team to dispatch the Orlando Magic, the Cavs made the seemingly right moves to build them for a playoff run. With the assumed demise of the Boston Celtics, the Magic were the only team thought to be able to handle Cleveland. LeBron James thought of only winning a championship throughout the summer of 2009. The season could not come fast enough for him.

Quickly, LeBron James was able to get his team to come together and they dominated the regular season. They posted the top record in the NBA and they swept the season series from Kobe Bryant and his defending-champion Los Angeles Lakers. With those two wins, LeBron James was considered to officially be the best player in the NBA and his team looked unstoppable. Even with the best record in the league, the team decided to add another scorer in Antawn Jamison just to be on the safe side.

When the playoffs started, only one word was spoken of, championship. LeBron James embedded this into the minds of his teammates and they truly believed that they could defeat the Orlando Magic. Facing the heroic Chicago Bulls in the first round, the Cleveland Cavaliers easily rolled over them. In the next round, they had the aging Boston Celtics. The entire basketball world was expecting LeBron James to put on an amazing performance that would end the Celtics' run in the second round. Two years prior, the Celtics had stopped James and his Cavaliers in the second round.

But, LeBron James seemed to dominate in game one, as he led the Cavaliers to a victory. But, in game two, the Boston Celtics stunned them with a blowout win in Cleveland. But, LeBron James dropped 38 points to blowout the Celtics in Boston and taking a 2-1 win. Most Cavalier fans saw game two as a slip on the part of their superstar. Follwoing that game, he seemed to be focused and he battled a close game in Boston. But, in the fourth quarter, the Celtics stormed back and won the game. The top-seeded Cavs featuring the two-time MVP, LeBron James were the only team still playing in the second round.

The Magic that they were waiting to defeat were waiting on the winner of the series and their manufactured rivals, Los Angeles Lakers, were in their Conference Finals, facing the Phoenix Suns. With the spotlight now on the best team in the league struggling against a has-been, LeBron James cracked under the pressure and his team fell to the inferior Boston Celtics. The 2009 Cavaliers had been built to take out the Celtics, but when they fell to the Magic, they proved to be weak against them. For the 2010 season, the Cavaliers were built to take out the Magic, but they got rid of pieces that were in place for the Celtics.

Now, LeBron James has an early start to his summer vacation. He will not get much rest as every team in the league will be throwing themselves at him. James is a free agent this summer and every team wants a piece of him, most notably, the New York Knicks. Teams cannot openly approach LeBron James until July, so he will have a full month to relax before the media frenzy fully emerges.

Janet Jackson finds a New Love

Last summer, Janet Jackson dealt with one of the lowest points of her life. Her slide went into high speed when Michael Jackson, her older brother, died. At the time, she was developing a bond with filmmaker Tyler Perry as she was filming Why Did I Get Married, Too? She had to leave immediately to be with her family while they represented Michael.

For months, her relationship with record executive, Jermaine Dupri, had been falling to pieces. Because of his job, Dupri was often on the road, working. Jackson did not have much of an income as she had been dropped from Def Jam. Jermaine remained at the label, which caused strain. But, when he, too, was fired, the strain increased.

Finally back at home, Janet Jackson found herself busy when she received the news that Michael had died. With their relationship on the rocks and the distance killing them, Janet Jackson decided to break up with her longtime boyfriend, Jermaine Dupri. Both Jackson and Dupri insist that they have remained friends. However, following her time with Dupri, Janet Jackson began making appearances with Tyler Perry. A few months ago, JR posed the question if Janet Jackson had moved on with Perry.

Janet Jackson frequently mentioned that Tyler Perry was there for her with all that she had gone through last summer and Tyler Perry began speaking of a new woman in his life. He said that he would not reveal who the woman was, but he hinted at Janet Jackson. Despite all of the hints, no official announcement was made and the rumors eventually blew over. Still, Janet Jackson has remained great friends with the wealthy Tyler Perry and when her new boyfriend was revealed to be rich, many thought she was ready to open up about her relationship with Perry. Instead, she is with an Arabian man.

It is said that Janet Jackson has been dating an international businessman from Saudi Arabia for the past few months. While Perry may have been there for Janet Jackson when she needed someone the most, he was only there as a friend. The question of Tyler Perry and his relationship status still often comes up, but he no longer makes any hints of who his "special woman" is. There is a possibility that he picked up the wrong vibe from Janet Jackson during their time together during the filming, the death of Michael, and when she broke things off with Jermaine Dupri.

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