D'Angelo arrested by Undercover Cop

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Former R&B superstar, D'Angelo, was arrested a few days ago after crusing the streets late at night. Apparently, he was not crusing for no reason. He was driving through the neighborhood looking for a fix. No, D'Angelo, real name Michael Arher, was not looking for a drug fix. Instead, the singer was looking for a sexual fix.

Unlike other stars from the 1990s, D'Angelo still has money. He offered $40 to an undercover female cop for her to give him oral sex. The singer was under the impression that she was a prostitute. That was not the case as the woman was there undercover. For years, New York City has been fighting to remove prostitution, among other crimes, from its streets.

It was said that D'Angelo was driving a top-of-the-line 2009 Range Rover. While he offered $40 to the undercover officer, he had $12,000 stashed in the vehicle. He was arrested and charged with solicitation, his people have yet to come out to deny or confirm these rumors. It has been ten years since D'Angelo released an album and a new song surfaced back in January. Many assume that this year will be the year that D'Angelo releases his long-awaited comeback album. However, this situation may hinder his comeback.


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