Damon Dash revives Roc-A-Fella Records

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ten years ago, Dash was the head of the Roc-A-Fella empire. The empire was based upon the mafia lifestyle and was made popular by half-naked women in videos. While he admitted that life was fun, he said that he has grown past it.

In fact, Dame Dash said that if he saw a man pour champagne on a woman now, he would be offended. There were multiple Jay-Z videos in which Dame could be seen pouring some form of liquor on various women. But, now that he is nearing 40 years old, he has slowed his lifestyle down quite a bit. Now, Dash is all about reclaiming what was his.

Around the time Jay-Z was preparing to release The Blueprint 3, Dame Dash returned to the spotlight. For years, Dash had bee hidden in the background while former Roc-A-Fella members talked about their time on the label. As many already know, Jay-Z left the label he created with Dash in favor of Roc Nation in 2008. With Jay-Z gone, such artists as Memphis Bleek would also leave the label. Because there were no more artists on the label, Roc-A-Fella Records was irrelevant by the time The Blueprint 3 was released.

Dame Dash spoke on the status of the label and he said that it was a shame that Jay-Z allowed the label to fall apart the way that it did. With the way that Dame was talking, it appeared as if he had plans of reviving the label. In fact, Hip Hop Vibe even posted an article about Dash possibly coming and returning the label to past prominence. Despite the possibility, no official announcement was made. However, last month, Dash was spotted with Jay-Z and it was said that they had discussed reviving the Roc. Now, two weeks later, it appears as if Roc-A-Fella Records is on the way back.

Read the rest of this article at Hip Hop Vibe.


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