Wendy Williams continues Omarosa feud

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

During the summer of 2008, Wendy Williams featured the infamous television personality, Omarosa on "The Wendy Williams Show." The two actually have a lot in common when it comes to making enemies. No one would have guessed that they would make enemies with each other.

Right when the interview was getting underway, Omarosa asked Williams if she had ever had a nose job. That one question sparked one of the biggest television catfights off all-time. In turn, that fight turned into one of the biggest feuds of all-time. For the past few months, the feud had died down, but was recently revived.

Both Wendy Williams and Omarosa were invited to the White House for a dinner. However, when Williams discovered that Omarosa would be in attendance, she never showed up. Williams' people did not let anyone know that she was not coming. Even worse, she never told them why.

After discovering what Wendy Williams did, Omarosa laid into her. She said that Williams was very disrespectful for her actions. Omarosa felt that the least that she could have done was called ahead to let the people working at the White House know that she would not be attending. Not only would she have been there with Omarosa, but Williams would have been seated at the same table. Because of that, she flipped out and Omarosa has had a lot to say. But, it is only rumored that this was why Williams did not show up.

Omarosa said that she hopes more than anything that it is not true. But, if it is, she feels that it is very sad on the part of Wendy Williams.


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